Our community is a complicated web that can get pretty tangled when thousands of us come together at once. Maybe you're afraid you'll run into your ex. Or afraid you won't. Maybe you're having an argument with your wife or girlfriend that seems like it's going to ruin the whole day. Maybe you're single and feeling overwhelmed by all the sexual energy in the air, or feeling lonely and left out. How can you survive this unique social scene?
Take care of unfinished business ahead of time, when there's space to talk calmly and be direct. It's easier to communicate that way, than when you're in a crowd.
In queer culture, this is a major holiday weekend. Holidays create pressure to act festive no matter how you feel. It's good to enjoy yourself, of course. But what can you do at those moments when your happy face feels false?
Check in with yourself. This is especially important if you're feeling stressed out or emotionally numb. Slow down. Take a breath. Notice what's going on in your body. Step away and be alone for a while, if you can. Even better, plan ahead to schedule in some down time.
Dyke March Survival Guide
El Cerrito, CA, USA
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